Project Management Analysis

March 25, 2024Experience start
April 1, 2024Risk Register Milestone
April 23, 2024Group/Final Project
April 23, 2024Experience end
March 25, 2024Experience start
April 1, 2024Risk Register Milestone
The MG 420 work experience project using Riipen is for France Executive Circle.
They are looking to create a strategic plan to build a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
This Week 4 Assignment is also listed under Module 4 in Canvas!!
For this milestone, which is due by midnight on Sunday of Week 4, you will be creating a risk register as part of your project planning. To help you prepare, you may find the following resources helpful (you may visit other external resources as well) and then the assignment instructions are below. Please email with any questions!
READ: Risk Register_ A Project Manager’s Guide with Examples by Asana -
READ: ProjectManager Guide to Using a Risk Register - Links to an external site.
VIDEO: 3 Simple, Fun and Effective Tools to Help Manage Risk -
VIDEO: 6+1 Risk Management Strategies in 60 Seconds -
VIDEO: What is a Risk Register and How to Use It -
VIDEO: How to Manage Project Risks
Create a simple risk register for the Riipen project. Remember that France Executive Circle is looking to create a strategic project plan to build a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
You can build this in a spreadsheet format or any other presentation style of your choice that looks professional. Columns should at least show the risk ID #, the description of the risk itself, the category it falls under, likelihood of occurrence, expected severity if it occurs, and the plan to address it. If you want to shift the verbiage somewhat or add your own information, you have the autonomy to do so. At the very least, be sure to consider the following:
- Identify the risks associated building a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver. Get creative! There is no perfect "right" answer. I an looking for critical thinking and an understanding of the planning process. While the risk register in project management is mostly used during the execution of the project, it should be created during the project planning phase! Once you have identified the risks, categorize them into different categories such as environmental risks, technical risks, financial risks, operational risks, and legal risks.
- Analyze each identified risk in detail. Evaluate the likelihood of each risk occurring (ie. low, medium, or high) and the impact it would have if it occurs. Use a scoring system to rate the severity of each risk.
- Prioritize the risks based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence. You may also use a risk matrix to determine the level of risk for each identified risk. If you do this, be sure to include it with your risk register when you submit your assignment (they are not the same thing).
- Once you have identified and prioritized the risks, develop mitigation strategies for each risk.
- Develop a risk response plan that outlines the actions to be taken if a risk event occurs.
Happy Risk Management Planning! Email me with any questions!!
April 23, 2024Group/Final Project
Your Group's Final Project Written Report and Presentation will be due by midnight on Monday 4/22. No exceptions due to it being the end of the semester. Please email me with any questions!
Project Overview:
Welcome to your final project! This project simulates a real-world scenario where you act as consultants for the launch of the French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver, Canada. Your team's task is to develop a comprehensive membership recruitment plan to attract businesses with French connections to join the Chamber. While they do currently have an office, it is not open to the public at this time. Their goal is to transition to a sustainable Chamber of Commerce and they are aiming for a minimum membership level of 100,000 businesses per year within the next 24 to 36 months.
You have each been randomly assigned into two groups, Team Black and Team Gold (go Golden Tigers!!). :) You are able to use the team platform within Canvas (go to "People" on the left side, and then click the "Groups" tab that will appear). There you will be able to find your teammates and also find a discussion board for your group. I have not assigned a leader to either team. I will let you all work together organically so you can evolve your workflows in ways that work for you. OR You may also use the team platform in Riipen, however, I would like for your team to decide this. If your team votes to work on Canvas, then stick to Canvas (yet you will still upload the final report and presentation to BOTH Canvas and Riipen). If you team votes to work on Riipen, then stick to Riipen (and still upload the final report and presentation to BOTH Canvas and Riipen).
Submission (2 Items....The written report AND the presentation):
Submit one written report per team. I am not going to give you a "minimum" for your report. Just do the work that needs to be done and you will be fine. I would like you all to work as a team to divide the work and decide how your team wants to prepare and report the information. Do be sure the written report is professional and conveys the information concisely. My suggestion would be to use an essay format, and it may include bullet items and images (just be sure to cite outside references properly). However you prepare the written report, just be sure you will be proud to share your work with a real-world client.
- NOTE!! The introduction of your written report should include a brief description of the responsibilities that each team member had for the project. I need this information for grading, as the way I grade group projects is at an individual level. My goal in doing this is to ensure that no one is penalized grade-wise if a teammate is unable to fulfill their duty to the project. So be sure to list what each member was responsible for completing. If a teammate does "drop the ball" you do not need to do their work for them to save your own grade. Just be sure I know who was supposed to do what or else everyone's grades may take a hit. Ideally everyone will be able to fulfill their responsibility. :)
Submit one presentation per team (minimum 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes). This can be the format of your group's preference. It can be a narrated slide deck, or a video of an actual presentation, or canva, or something similar. Your team's choice!
- NOTE!! Please upload the written report and the presentation to both Canvas (under the Group/Final Project Assignment page) AND here in Riipen under this Group/Final Project milestone. If you have trouble with the Riipen upload, please email the presentation to me with a note telling me what challenges you may have run in to. I believe now that you are in "teams" on Riipen, you should be able to upload. If you can't, don't panic. I will be grading from Canvas!
- France Executive Circle Website
- France Executive Circle Brand Book
- France Executive Circle Presentation
Project Goal:
Develop a well-defined membership recruitment plan that outlines target audiences, messaging strategies, and a proposed implementation approach for the French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
Project Deliverables:
Written Report: Each group will deliver one written report that summarizes the scenario, the research that was done, the information that was discovered, and the recommendations for moving forward. -
Presentation: Each group will deliver a presentation (minimum 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes) outlining their membership recruitment plan that was generated in your report. Your group can decide how to do this. Maybe one person is tasked with presenting the entire plan as part of their assigned role within the group, OR maybe several (or all) team members present their parts separately within one presentation. It is up to your group!! I am intentionally giving you a lot of autonomy with this. Run with it!
Suggested Outline for the Report and Presentation:
Introduction: Briefly introduce yourselves and the French Chamber of Commerce. -
Market Research: Discuss your findings on the target audience for membership. This should include: -
Industries: Identify industries in Vancouver with strong French connections (e.g., aerospace, food & beverage, luxury goods). -
Company Size: Consider the range of company sizes that could benefit from Chamber membership. - Marketing Strategy:
Communication Channel: Choose a primary communication channel for reaching your target audience (website, social media campaign, or targeted email marketing). Explain your rationale for selecting this channel. -
Messaging: Develop key messaging points that highlight the benefits of Chamber membership for French-connected businesses in Vancouver (be sure to reference the brand book above). This can also include a script that can used when France Executive Circle reaches out to new contacts. -
Implementation Plan/Report: Briefly outline a high-level implementation schedule for your chosen communication channel. -
Conclusion: Summarize your key recommendations for successful membership recruitment and the next steps for the Chamber. -
Visual Aids (presentation only): Utilize clear and concise slides and/or visual aids to enhance your presentation.
Group Work Expectations:
- Each team member is expected to actively participate in research, planning, and presentation development.
- Divide tasks effectively within your group, ensuring everyone contributes to all project stages.
- Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration throughout the project.
- NOTE!! The introduction of your written report should include a breakdown of the responsibilities that each team member had for the project. I need this information for grading, as the way I grade group projects is at an individual level. My goal in doing this is to ensure that no one is penalized grade-wise if a teammate is unable to fulfill their duty to the project. So be sure to list what each member was responsible for completing.
Additional Notes:
- Feel free to make assumptions about missing information (e.g., budget constraints) and clearly state those assumptions in your presentation.
- Use the provided brand book (linked above) to ensure your communication materials align with the desired tone and voice of the Chamber.
- Utilize online resources or case studies of successful Chamber of Commerce membership recruitment campaigns for reference.
This project provides a valuable opportunity to demonstrate your research, planning, communication, and teamwork skills in a project management context. Good luck and happy planning!
The rubric that is attached to this Group/Final Project in Canvas will be used to evaluate your group project and presentation.
Please email with any questions!!
April 23, 2024Experience end
Experience scope
Change management Operations Project management Competitive analysis Product or service launchSkills
communication business analysis project management project management institute (pmi) methodology project integration management researchLooking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on learners from Brenau University's College of Business and Communication to be your learner-consultants, in a project-based experience. As learners are introduced to the Principles of Project Management, they will work on a primary course project over the experience of their 7 week semester.
Their course of "Introduction to Project Management" provides an introduction to the key knowledge areas of Project Management as established by the Project Management Institute (PMI). These knowledge areas are the foundation for best practices in project management and include the management of: project integration, scope, time, cost, quantity, human resources, communications, risk and procurement.
What can our learners do for your company?
Our learners will individually be tasked with performing a business analysis related to a project your organization is either currently undertaking, or considering undertaking. Their analysis will result in a report that gives an overview of the situation and provides suggestions and guidance moving forward. Their work will help your company to identify needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis. Additionally, your feedback on their reports will help to align their academic learning with real-world industry expectations and productivity.
What would your company get at the end of the Experience?
Deliverables are negotiable, and I will seek to align the needs of the learners and the organization. Additionally,
Some final project deliverables might include:
- A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations
- A 5-10 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations
Project timeline
March 25, 2024Experience start
April 1, 2024Risk Register Milestone
April 23, 2024Group/Final Project
April 23, 2024Experience end
March 25, 2024Experience start
April 1, 2024Risk Register Milestone
The MG 420 work experience project using Riipen is for France Executive Circle.
They are looking to create a strategic plan to build a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
This Week 4 Assignment is also listed under Module 4 in Canvas!!
For this milestone, which is due by midnight on Sunday of Week 4, you will be creating a risk register as part of your project planning. To help you prepare, you may find the following resources helpful (you may visit other external resources as well) and then the assignment instructions are below. Please email with any questions!
READ: Risk Register_ A Project Manager’s Guide with Examples by Asana -
READ: ProjectManager Guide to Using a Risk Register - Links to an external site.
VIDEO: 3 Simple, Fun and Effective Tools to Help Manage Risk -
VIDEO: 6+1 Risk Management Strategies in 60 Seconds -
VIDEO: What is a Risk Register and How to Use It -
VIDEO: How to Manage Project Risks
Create a simple risk register for the Riipen project. Remember that France Executive Circle is looking to create a strategic project plan to build a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
You can build this in a spreadsheet format or any other presentation style of your choice that looks professional. Columns should at least show the risk ID #, the description of the risk itself, the category it falls under, likelihood of occurrence, expected severity if it occurs, and the plan to address it. If you want to shift the verbiage somewhat or add your own information, you have the autonomy to do so. At the very least, be sure to consider the following:
- Identify the risks associated building a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver. Get creative! There is no perfect "right" answer. I an looking for critical thinking and an understanding of the planning process. While the risk register in project management is mostly used during the execution of the project, it should be created during the project planning phase! Once you have identified the risks, categorize them into different categories such as environmental risks, technical risks, financial risks, operational risks, and legal risks.
- Analyze each identified risk in detail. Evaluate the likelihood of each risk occurring (ie. low, medium, or high) and the impact it would have if it occurs. Use a scoring system to rate the severity of each risk.
- Prioritize the risks based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence. You may also use a risk matrix to determine the level of risk for each identified risk. If you do this, be sure to include it with your risk register when you submit your assignment (they are not the same thing).
- Once you have identified and prioritized the risks, develop mitigation strategies for each risk.
- Develop a risk response plan that outlines the actions to be taken if a risk event occurs.
Happy Risk Management Planning! Email me with any questions!!
April 23, 2024Group/Final Project
Your Group's Final Project Written Report and Presentation will be due by midnight on Monday 4/22. No exceptions due to it being the end of the semester. Please email me with any questions!
Project Overview:
Welcome to your final project! This project simulates a real-world scenario where you act as consultants for the launch of the French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver, Canada. Your team's task is to develop a comprehensive membership recruitment plan to attract businesses with French connections to join the Chamber. While they do currently have an office, it is not open to the public at this time. Their goal is to transition to a sustainable Chamber of Commerce and they are aiming for a minimum membership level of 100,000 businesses per year within the next 24 to 36 months.
You have each been randomly assigned into two groups, Team Black and Team Gold (go Golden Tigers!!). :) You are able to use the team platform within Canvas (go to "People" on the left side, and then click the "Groups" tab that will appear). There you will be able to find your teammates and also find a discussion board for your group. I have not assigned a leader to either team. I will let you all work together organically so you can evolve your workflows in ways that work for you. OR You may also use the team platform in Riipen, however, I would like for your team to decide this. If your team votes to work on Canvas, then stick to Canvas (yet you will still upload the final report and presentation to BOTH Canvas and Riipen). If you team votes to work on Riipen, then stick to Riipen (and still upload the final report and presentation to BOTH Canvas and Riipen).
Submission (2 Items....The written report AND the presentation):
Submit one written report per team. I am not going to give you a "minimum" for your report. Just do the work that needs to be done and you will be fine. I would like you all to work as a team to divide the work and decide how your team wants to prepare and report the information. Do be sure the written report is professional and conveys the information concisely. My suggestion would be to use an essay format, and it may include bullet items and images (just be sure to cite outside references properly). However you prepare the written report, just be sure you will be proud to share your work with a real-world client.
- NOTE!! The introduction of your written report should include a brief description of the responsibilities that each team member had for the project. I need this information for grading, as the way I grade group projects is at an individual level. My goal in doing this is to ensure that no one is penalized grade-wise if a teammate is unable to fulfill their duty to the project. So be sure to list what each member was responsible for completing. If a teammate does "drop the ball" you do not need to do their work for them to save your own grade. Just be sure I know who was supposed to do what or else everyone's grades may take a hit. Ideally everyone will be able to fulfill their responsibility. :)
Submit one presentation per team (minimum 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes). This can be the format of your group's preference. It can be a narrated slide deck, or a video of an actual presentation, or canva, or something similar. Your team's choice!
- NOTE!! Please upload the written report and the presentation to both Canvas (under the Group/Final Project Assignment page) AND here in Riipen under this Group/Final Project milestone. If you have trouble with the Riipen upload, please email the presentation to me with a note telling me what challenges you may have run in to. I believe now that you are in "teams" on Riipen, you should be able to upload. If you can't, don't panic. I will be grading from Canvas!
- France Executive Circle Website
- France Executive Circle Brand Book
- France Executive Circle Presentation
Project Goal:
Develop a well-defined membership recruitment plan that outlines target audiences, messaging strategies, and a proposed implementation approach for the French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
Project Deliverables:
Written Report: Each group will deliver one written report that summarizes the scenario, the research that was done, the information that was discovered, and the recommendations for moving forward. -
Presentation: Each group will deliver a presentation (minimum 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes) outlining their membership recruitment plan that was generated in your report. Your group can decide how to do this. Maybe one person is tasked with presenting the entire plan as part of their assigned role within the group, OR maybe several (or all) team members present their parts separately within one presentation. It is up to your group!! I am intentionally giving you a lot of autonomy with this. Run with it!
Suggested Outline for the Report and Presentation:
Introduction: Briefly introduce yourselves and the French Chamber of Commerce. -
Market Research: Discuss your findings on the target audience for membership. This should include: -
Industries: Identify industries in Vancouver with strong French connections (e.g., aerospace, food & beverage, luxury goods). -
Company Size: Consider the range of company sizes that could benefit from Chamber membership. - Marketing Strategy:
Communication Channel: Choose a primary communication channel for reaching your target audience (website, social media campaign, or targeted email marketing). Explain your rationale for selecting this channel. -
Messaging: Develop key messaging points that highlight the benefits of Chamber membership for French-connected businesses in Vancouver (be sure to reference the brand book above). This can also include a script that can used when France Executive Circle reaches out to new contacts. -
Implementation Plan/Report: Briefly outline a high-level implementation schedule for your chosen communication channel. -
Conclusion: Summarize your key recommendations for successful membership recruitment and the next steps for the Chamber. -
Visual Aids (presentation only): Utilize clear and concise slides and/or visual aids to enhance your presentation.
Group Work Expectations:
- Each team member is expected to actively participate in research, planning, and presentation development.
- Divide tasks effectively within your group, ensuring everyone contributes to all project stages.
- Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration throughout the project.
- NOTE!! The introduction of your written report should include a breakdown of the responsibilities that each team member had for the project. I need this information for grading, as the way I grade group projects is at an individual level. My goal in doing this is to ensure that no one is penalized grade-wise if a teammate is unable to fulfill their duty to the project. So be sure to list what each member was responsible for completing.
Additional Notes:
- Feel free to make assumptions about missing information (e.g., budget constraints) and clearly state those assumptions in your presentation.
- Use the provided brand book (linked above) to ensure your communication materials align with the desired tone and voice of the Chamber.
- Utilize online resources or case studies of successful Chamber of Commerce membership recruitment campaigns for reference.
This project provides a valuable opportunity to demonstrate your research, planning, communication, and teamwork skills in a project management context. Good luck and happy planning!
The rubric that is attached to this Group/Final Project in Canvas will be used to evaluate your group project and presentation.
Please email with any questions!!
April 23, 2024Experience end
Project Examples
Past projects that learners have previously worked on have all been case-based. These have included, but are not limited to, planning a sales meeting, planning the launch of launching table-based ordering tablets for a restaurant, creating a risk register and risk map for a planned project, etc., This will be the first time learners taking this class will pair with an experiential work opportunity via RIIPEN.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
March 25, 2024Experience start
April 1, 2024Risk Register Milestone
April 23, 2024Group/Final Project
April 23, 2024Experience end
March 25, 2024Experience start
April 1, 2024Risk Register Milestone
The MG 420 work experience project using Riipen is for France Executive Circle.
They are looking to create a strategic plan to build a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
This Week 4 Assignment is also listed under Module 4 in Canvas!!
For this milestone, which is due by midnight on Sunday of Week 4, you will be creating a risk register as part of your project planning. To help you prepare, you may find the following resources helpful (you may visit other external resources as well) and then the assignment instructions are below. Please email with any questions!
READ: Risk Register_ A Project Manager’s Guide with Examples by Asana -
READ: ProjectManager Guide to Using a Risk Register - Links to an external site.
VIDEO: 3 Simple, Fun and Effective Tools to Help Manage Risk -
VIDEO: 6+1 Risk Management Strategies in 60 Seconds -
VIDEO: What is a Risk Register and How to Use It -
VIDEO: How to Manage Project Risks
Create a simple risk register for the Riipen project. Remember that France Executive Circle is looking to create a strategic project plan to build a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
You can build this in a spreadsheet format or any other presentation style of your choice that looks professional. Columns should at least show the risk ID #, the description of the risk itself, the category it falls under, likelihood of occurrence, expected severity if it occurs, and the plan to address it. If you want to shift the verbiage somewhat or add your own information, you have the autonomy to do so. At the very least, be sure to consider the following:
- Identify the risks associated building a French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver. Get creative! There is no perfect "right" answer. I an looking for critical thinking and an understanding of the planning process. While the risk register in project management is mostly used during the execution of the project, it should be created during the project planning phase! Once you have identified the risks, categorize them into different categories such as environmental risks, technical risks, financial risks, operational risks, and legal risks.
- Analyze each identified risk in detail. Evaluate the likelihood of each risk occurring (ie. low, medium, or high) and the impact it would have if it occurs. Use a scoring system to rate the severity of each risk.
- Prioritize the risks based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence. You may also use a risk matrix to determine the level of risk for each identified risk. If you do this, be sure to include it with your risk register when you submit your assignment (they are not the same thing).
- Once you have identified and prioritized the risks, develop mitigation strategies for each risk.
- Develop a risk response plan that outlines the actions to be taken if a risk event occurs.
Happy Risk Management Planning! Email me with any questions!!
April 23, 2024Group/Final Project
Your Group's Final Project Written Report and Presentation will be due by midnight on Monday 4/22. No exceptions due to it being the end of the semester. Please email me with any questions!
Project Overview:
Welcome to your final project! This project simulates a real-world scenario where you act as consultants for the launch of the French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver, Canada. Your team's task is to develop a comprehensive membership recruitment plan to attract businesses with French connections to join the Chamber. While they do currently have an office, it is not open to the public at this time. Their goal is to transition to a sustainable Chamber of Commerce and they are aiming for a minimum membership level of 100,000 businesses per year within the next 24 to 36 months.
You have each been randomly assigned into two groups, Team Black and Team Gold (go Golden Tigers!!). :) You are able to use the team platform within Canvas (go to "People" on the left side, and then click the "Groups" tab that will appear). There you will be able to find your teammates and also find a discussion board for your group. I have not assigned a leader to either team. I will let you all work together organically so you can evolve your workflows in ways that work for you. OR You may also use the team platform in Riipen, however, I would like for your team to decide this. If your team votes to work on Canvas, then stick to Canvas (yet you will still upload the final report and presentation to BOTH Canvas and Riipen). If you team votes to work on Riipen, then stick to Riipen (and still upload the final report and presentation to BOTH Canvas and Riipen).
Submission (2 Items....The written report AND the presentation):
Submit one written report per team. I am not going to give you a "minimum" for your report. Just do the work that needs to be done and you will be fine. I would like you all to work as a team to divide the work and decide how your team wants to prepare and report the information. Do be sure the written report is professional and conveys the information concisely. My suggestion would be to use an essay format, and it may include bullet items and images (just be sure to cite outside references properly). However you prepare the written report, just be sure you will be proud to share your work with a real-world client.
- NOTE!! The introduction of your written report should include a brief description of the responsibilities that each team member had for the project. I need this information for grading, as the way I grade group projects is at an individual level. My goal in doing this is to ensure that no one is penalized grade-wise if a teammate is unable to fulfill their duty to the project. So be sure to list what each member was responsible for completing. If a teammate does "drop the ball" you do not need to do their work for them to save your own grade. Just be sure I know who was supposed to do what or else everyone's grades may take a hit. Ideally everyone will be able to fulfill their responsibility. :)
Submit one presentation per team (minimum 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes). This can be the format of your group's preference. It can be a narrated slide deck, or a video of an actual presentation, or canva, or something similar. Your team's choice!
- NOTE!! Please upload the written report and the presentation to both Canvas (under the Group/Final Project Assignment page) AND here in Riipen under this Group/Final Project milestone. If you have trouble with the Riipen upload, please email the presentation to me with a note telling me what challenges you may have run in to. I believe now that you are in "teams" on Riipen, you should be able to upload. If you can't, don't panic. I will be grading from Canvas!
- France Executive Circle Website
- France Executive Circle Brand Book
- France Executive Circle Presentation
Project Goal:
Develop a well-defined membership recruitment plan that outlines target audiences, messaging strategies, and a proposed implementation approach for the French Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver.
Project Deliverables:
Written Report: Each group will deliver one written report that summarizes the scenario, the research that was done, the information that was discovered, and the recommendations for moving forward. -
Presentation: Each group will deliver a presentation (minimum 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes) outlining their membership recruitment plan that was generated in your report. Your group can decide how to do this. Maybe one person is tasked with presenting the entire plan as part of their assigned role within the group, OR maybe several (or all) team members present their parts separately within one presentation. It is up to your group!! I am intentionally giving you a lot of autonomy with this. Run with it!
Suggested Outline for the Report and Presentation:
Introduction: Briefly introduce yourselves and the French Chamber of Commerce. -
Market Research: Discuss your findings on the target audience for membership. This should include: -
Industries: Identify industries in Vancouver with strong French connections (e.g., aerospace, food & beverage, luxury goods). -
Company Size: Consider the range of company sizes that could benefit from Chamber membership. - Marketing Strategy:
Communication Channel: Choose a primary communication channel for reaching your target audience (website, social media campaign, or targeted email marketing). Explain your rationale for selecting this channel. -
Messaging: Develop key messaging points that highlight the benefits of Chamber membership for French-connected businesses in Vancouver (be sure to reference the brand book above). This can also include a script that can used when France Executive Circle reaches out to new contacts. -
Implementation Plan/Report: Briefly outline a high-level implementation schedule for your chosen communication channel. -
Conclusion: Summarize your key recommendations for successful membership recruitment and the next steps for the Chamber. -
Visual Aids (presentation only): Utilize clear and concise slides and/or visual aids to enhance your presentation.
Group Work Expectations:
- Each team member is expected to actively participate in research, planning, and presentation development.
- Divide tasks effectively within your group, ensuring everyone contributes to all project stages.
- Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration throughout the project.
- NOTE!! The introduction of your written report should include a breakdown of the responsibilities that each team member had for the project. I need this information for grading, as the way I grade group projects is at an individual level. My goal in doing this is to ensure that no one is penalized grade-wise if a teammate is unable to fulfill their duty to the project. So be sure to list what each member was responsible for completing.
Additional Notes:
- Feel free to make assumptions about missing information (e.g., budget constraints) and clearly state those assumptions in your presentation.
- Use the provided brand book (linked above) to ensure your communication materials align with the desired tone and voice of the Chamber.
- Utilize online resources or case studies of successful Chamber of Commerce membership recruitment campaigns for reference.
This project provides a valuable opportunity to demonstrate your research, planning, communication, and teamwork skills in a project management context. Good luck and happy planning!
The rubric that is attached to this Group/Final Project in Canvas will be used to evaluate your group project and presentation.
Please email with any questions!!
April 23, 2024Experience end