Applied Business Analytics
Project overview: Provide background and contextual information. Define the analysis problem. Clearly identify project goals and deliverables. State the value this analysis will bring to your organization. Note that the analysis problem must be stated in terms of a product or result that can be accomplished using some form of descriptive, predictive, or prescriptive analytics, by the size a team of learners in the required number of weeks. Data Description: Provide information on the data you will share, including variables, type, granularity, time-period, number of records, and approximate total size in bytes. Provide information on how you will share this data, including mode of access, platforms, frequency, and format. Confirm that you will be able to provide access to this data by the required date. Technology Description: Provide information on any specific platforms and tools that you might require the learners to use for data analysis, and if so, confirm that you will be able to provide access to these by the start date of the project. Provide information on any specific methods or techniques you might require the learners to use for data analysis.