Geographic Information Systems - 2024

October 8, 2024Experience start
November 5, 2024Milestone #1
November 23, 2024Milestone #2
December 7, 2024Experience end
October 8, 2024Experience start
November 5, 2024Milestone #1
Approximately one page text document with the following headings: (1) Project Overview, (2) Project Timeline, and (3) Team Responsibilities. In the Project Overview section, describe the project and indicate how your team can contribute. For the Project Timeline section, describe how long it will take to complete your project. Charts and tables can be utilized as required. For the Team Responsibilities section, indicate who will be responsible for each section of the project and how work will be allocated.
November 23, 2024Milestone #2
Approximately one page text document with the following headings: (1) Project Progress, (2) Project Timeline, and (3) Team Responsibilities for Completion. In the Project Progress section, indicate what has been completed in the context of the project up to this date. For the For the Project Timeline section, describe what needs to be done to complete your project. In the Team Responsibilities for Completion section, indicate what needs to be done and who is going to work on the project.
December 7, 2024Experience end
Experience scope
Data visualization Data analysis Data modelling Data science Scientific researchSkills
spatial analysesWould you like to get creative, innovative and strategic ideas when collecting and processing data in your organization? We invite you to partner with our College of the Rockies students!
Student in this class will learn about the theory and practice of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing of Earth system processes, and aerial photography, photogrammetry, and image interpretation.
Deliverables are negotiable, and will seek to align the needs of the learners and the organization.
Some final project deliverables might include:
- A 10-15 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations
- A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations
Project timeline
October 8, 2024Experience start
November 5, 2024Milestone #1
November 23, 2024Milestone #2
December 7, 2024Experience end
October 8, 2024Experience start
November 5, 2024Milestone #1
Approximately one page text document with the following headings: (1) Project Overview, (2) Project Timeline, and (3) Team Responsibilities. In the Project Overview section, describe the project and indicate how your team can contribute. For the Project Timeline section, describe how long it will take to complete your project. Charts and tables can be utilized as required. For the Team Responsibilities section, indicate who will be responsible for each section of the project and how work will be allocated.
November 23, 2024Milestone #2
Approximately one page text document with the following headings: (1) Project Progress, (2) Project Timeline, and (3) Team Responsibilities for Completion. In the Project Progress section, indicate what has been completed in the context of the project up to this date. For the For the Project Timeline section, describe what needs to be done to complete your project. In the Team Responsibilities for Completion section, indicate what needs to be done and who is going to work on the project.
December 7, 2024Experience end
Project Examples
Learners in groups of 3-5 will work with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis.
Project activities that learners can complete may include, but are not limited to:
- Describing remote sensing and GIS theory and terminology;
- Describing sources for acquiring spatial data;
- Explaining the components of a georeferencing system;
- Applying Raster and Vector data models;
- Describing topology and its importance to spatial data modeling;
- Explaining the importance of database to GIS;
- Applying basic cartographic principles;
- Describing sources of spatial data error;
- Applying geoprocessing tools to solve problems;
- Demonstrating competence in industry standard GIS software (QGIS), aerial photography
- interpretation, and image assessment in application of real-world scenarios
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
October 8, 2024Experience start
November 5, 2024Milestone #1
November 23, 2024Milestone #2
December 7, 2024Experience end
October 8, 2024Experience start
November 5, 2024Milestone #1
Approximately one page text document with the following headings: (1) Project Overview, (2) Project Timeline, and (3) Team Responsibilities. In the Project Overview section, describe the project and indicate how your team can contribute. For the Project Timeline section, describe how long it will take to complete your project. Charts and tables can be utilized as required. For the Team Responsibilities section, indicate who will be responsible for each section of the project and how work will be allocated.
November 23, 2024Milestone #2
Approximately one page text document with the following headings: (1) Project Progress, (2) Project Timeline, and (3) Team Responsibilities for Completion. In the Project Progress section, indicate what has been completed in the context of the project up to this date. For the For the Project Timeline section, describe what needs to be done to complete your project. In the Team Responsibilities for Completion section, indicate what needs to be done and who is going to work on the project.
December 7, 2024Experience end