Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?

communication, organization

How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?

great work on project until completion

Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?

yes, and none

Team feedback

Individual endorsement
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Journalism Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)

IISB endorses Emilys work

good work
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Journalism Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)
People and Culture Representative
Level UP International Indigenous Speakers Bureau
2024 Level Up Comms B - Introduction to Indigenous Communications
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Journalism Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)
Created At
November 16, 2024