Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

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Team feedback

It was a real pleasure and privilege to work with Hamna. Our project together had two focus areas, and she delivered with such high quality and professionalism it honestly blew me away a little. Her research work (related to UI/UX for our app) went to a level deeper than I expected, and the results will continue to be extremely valuable to our team and our products. She then researched and authored several articles for our website that were also of exceptional quality and usefulness. We hope to have future opportunities to work together.
Software release life cycle Copywriting Usability testing Ui/ux research Wireframing User experience (ux) User interface (ui) Templates Web pages Research
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Brand Identity - UX for Web App & Site and Blog Writing (LevelUP Part 2)
Software release life cycle Copywriting Usability testing Ui/ux research Wireframing User experience (ux) User interface (ui) Templates Web pages Research
Created At
May 18, 2023