Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?

Creativity, Work Ethic, Communication

How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?

Very professionally

Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?

Yes for the most part. And when feedback was given, she was very receptive and took corrective measures.

Team feedback

Great work Charlotte! You delivered on everything, working well both individually and collaboratively. You have also been very open to giving and receiving feedback!
Canva (software) Graphic design Patience Project management User experience (ux) Thumbnails Figma (design software) Branding Tenacity Operations
Founder and President
Level UP: May 2024
Creating Digital Marketing Assets for a Career Accelerator
Canva (software) Graphic design Patience Project management User experience (ux) Thumbnails Figma (design software) Branding Tenacity Operations
Created At
September 14, 2024