Help us go from Good to Great

The Academy Project
Los Angeles, California, United States
Lauren Costa
Executive Director
Academic experience
200 hours per learner
Advanced level

Project scope

No categories selected
child welfare marketing strategies strategic planning pilot experiment advocacy fundraising research

The Academy Project is looking for someone (a team) that has the knowledge, confidence, and heart to help TAP get our next pilot program up and running. HOME/SCHOOL is unlike any other program within the child welfare community. We will place a full-time in-school advocate that will be responsible for the entire foster youth population of that school--(educational advocate, basic needs being met, service referrals).

HOME/SCHOOL has been in development for a year and has a significant amount of research and collateral attached to it.

Possible projects:

PR and Marketing Strategy: How do we get students interested and involved? How can we attract major donors and dramatically increase our fundraising efforts?

Strengthen TAP's relationships to other nonprofit organizations to garner support and potential partnerships ((we have been around for 5 years and are familiar with/to most other child welfare organizations--we need to enhance some of those partnerships). We need your help to reach out to the "right" people and get them on board.

Test validity of HOME/SCHOOL--Will it work? Look at the community--Does HOME/SCHOOL fill in an unmet need? Are there other programs like ours (we have not found any)If so, how do they function?

Create a plan to bring major stakeholders on-board--The school--(administration, teachers), A University Partner, Parents/Guardians--Re-imagine our presentation/pitch deck--How do we present ourselves as capable, professional, and hopeful? Solidify our "ask". (We currently have a solid partnership with a public Span school (6th-12th grade). We have provided after school and enrichment programming for the past 3 years at no cost to the school or the youth. We are ready to propose our next pilot project and must have the support of the school to proceed. A major university is partnered with this school as well and it would be beneficial to get them on-board as well.

Create a strategic plan- How we will get the program up and running, expectations, sustainability.

Update/recreate our website

No deliverables exist for this project.

We are working around the clock and are available any time. Happy to mentor/supervise as much or as little as needed.

About the company

Los Angeles, California, United States
2 - 10 employees
Education, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society
Women-Owned Social Enterprise Public benefit corporation (pbc) Community-Focused

The Academy Project is a nonprofit 501c3 organization providing services and advocacy to foster and homeless youth in Los Angeles, CA through community, education, and empowerment.