Online Research: Best Practices around Dementia-Inclusivity: Part 1

Project scope
Data analysis Market research Community engagement Social work Social justiceSkills
dementia planning design elements and principles internet research blogs research health risk assessmentsWe want to better understand how other jurisdictions are successfully integrating people living with dementia and their care partners into community.
The research will include best practices around the world for:
- dementia inclusivity training for business
- public education and engagement to support people impacted by dementia in community
- stigma reduction and improved awareness about dementia
- improving access to services for people impacted by dementia
- landscape/park design elements for a dementia-inclusive park
- educational programs for K-12 and post-secondary students around dementia
The work would initially involve searching the Internet and both academic literature or blogs to learn about promising things that are being done that would align with overall strategy to create a community that better supports the issues related to dementia--a large and growing challenge for many people. We would be asking the students to find promising innovations and try to learn more about those innovations and what can be shared.
The students will then be bringing those ideas to the table as "raw materials" that the participating organizations can look at and consider how they might incorporate them. We are planning a 2-day workshop on December 12 and 15, and it would be great to be able to send the participants some of these materials in the week before the workshop.
1. Improving dementia-inclusivity in communities
2. Improving integration of services and system navigation
3. Improving public awareness and understanding about dementia (risk factors, myths, etc)
Students will work closely with the project manager or action team lead who is supervising and available for questions.
Students will be offered the Insight Vision Course:
We would like a group of 4-6 students for an initial 80 hours and we would hopefully have the students extend for second and third projects of 80 hours.ions. This will also include occasional progress meetings where adjustments to the tasks can be made if necessary.
About the company
Dementia Network Calgary is a group or organizations and individuals representing the public, private and non-profit sectors and people with lived experience. The shared goal is to make Calgary a place where people impacted by dementia can live life well.