Montessori Model UN

Project scope
Advertising Customer segmentation Digital marketing Social media marketingSkills
marketing materialsWe are a global NFP Model UN and Educational program unique to the Model UN community. Our audience is teachers of students 9-15 years of age and Heads of School. Unlike other Model UNs, participants do not compete for prizes and we follow UN rules of procedure rather than Parliamentary. Our brand is well respected. Our primary participant base comes from Montessori schools, but we have participants from charter, IB, public and even home schoolers. Participating students generally perform better after completing our program and many return for multiple years.
Our growth over 16 years has been through word of mouth. Our dilemmas are: How do we more effectively engage more teachers, how do we engage support for heads of school and how do we best explain the benefits of the program to parents. Currently we annually provide MMUN conferences for about 4,000 teachers and students from 20+ countries, We host two conferences in NY, usually with closing ceremonies in the General Assembly Hall.
1. Review of website and suggestions on how to improve it.
2. Review of marketing materials with suggestions on how to improve them.
3. Suggestions on how to better penetrate current markets.
4. Suggestions on how to reach parents with a goal of having them ask their school to utilize MMUN programming.
5. We need guidance on generating greater participation in our online Model UN programming and conference
Both our Sales and Marketing Directors will be available on an as needed basis.
We will provide access to all of our marketing materials via google drive.
Our website is
About the company
Montessori Model UN (MMUN) has been organizing international Model United Nations programs since 2006 for students ages nine to fifteen based on Maria Montessori's belief that the United Nations should listen to children to find innovative solutions to world problems. We believe in the power and capability of young people as future citizens and leaders of the world. The mission is to inspire and empower youth to create a better world through awareness, networking, empowerment and impact projects. In addition, our sister organization works with students and adults 16-24 years of age. The proposed FREE APP, Hear Me Now will not only engage significant use but it will enhance the voice of youth in the halls of government and corporate boardrooms.