AIESEC x MiTravel Creative Challenge: Web-Application Prototype Screen Designs
Project scope
Market research Product or service launch Hospitality, tourism & culinary artsSkills
secondary research figma (design software) adobe xd visual design usability innovationTHE CHALLENGE
Research shows that 7 out 10 students choose to study abroad because of their interest in traveling to new places, experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. MiTravel currently provides students studying or working abroad a way to plan and manage their travel efficiently, intuitively and collaboratively. In the near future, MiTravel aims to connect abroad students through building a community.
In this community, we hope that students can meet and plan with others who hold similar interests or travel preferences. Some questions for you to consider (but not limited to) are as follows:
- How would you define what a community is and what type of value would students get out of this community?
- What form of community could MiTravel create that complements its existing features?
- How can MiTravel provide a space that helps connect these students to each other? These students could be located either within the same or different host university / country.
- What type of tools or functionalities would students want in order to create an enjoyable community experience?
We encourage you to utilize both primary and secondary research as it will strengthen your understanding of the audience and support you in reaching your final idea and design decisions
- Must be web/desktop-based application, answer the challenge, and respond to all aspects of the evaluation (see judging rubric under "Resources & Files")
- Created and used interactively with 10 or more prototype screens connected together through links in Figma or Adobe XD
- Created during the challenge period and not be derived from previously created work
- Contain only original content, artwork, royalty-free stock images, or cited images/text
- Submissions are due on Sunday, January 10 at 11:59PM PST via Riipen
- Prepare a 150-word summary to provide context for the MiTravel team’s review. Explain the strategic and creative reasoning behind your presented idea and design decisions.
- Finalists will be announced on Sunday, January 17 and will be contacted with more information on how to present their work to the MiTravel team. The final presentation will be held on Friday, January 22nd. Teams will receive a selection of times to choose from.
- How well are you solving the presented challenge?
- How well did you consider usability and flow?
- How valid is the reasoning behind your idea and design decisions?
- How innovative is the solution presented?
- How well are you effectively using visual design principles?
Disclaimer: This challenge is created as a learning opportunity for you to advance your skillsets, work with individuals outside your faculty, and demonstrate your talents. It is not to be considered as speculative work. Project ideas will not be used by AIESEC, MiTravel or Riipen. However, if your idea is something that MiTravel is interested in, you agree to be contacted for further collaboration and/or development.
About the company
MiTravel is building an efficient, intuitive and collaborative way for group travelers to plan and manage their trips together. Save time, effort, and be relieved of increased stress from managing a group trip when planning for your next destination.