Essay Marking Database
This project involves the creation of an essay marking database in Microsoft Excel or some other comparable and accessible software program. The purpose of this database is to facilitate providing comments for students written work. The database will be populated with common essay comments (ie. you need to proofread carefully, or you need to provide a deeper level of analysis with regards to your thesis) so that the instructor only needs to type a corresponding keystroke for the desired comments to be populated in a Microsoft Word file. This database will also need to be updatable so that instructors can add comments which will be useful for their marking in the future.
Assistant Producer Position
This position will assist in recording, producing and editing 5 episodes of the podcast Philosophy in Film. The podcast is hosted by myself (Alain Beauclair) and Dr. Chris McTavish of Athabasca University. Each episode offers a philosophical analysis of an individual film in a way that is accessible to a general audience, and at the same time introduces the audience to basic philosophical concepts and texts.
Level Up Assistant Producer Position
This position will assist in producing 5 episodes of the podcast Philosophy in Film. The podcast is hosted by myself (Alain Beauclair) and Dr. Chris McTavish of Athabasca University. Each episode offers a philosophical analysis of an individual film in a way that is accessible to a general audience, and at the same time introduces the audience to basic philosophical concepts and texts.
Bullfighting as cultural artefact Research Assistant
This project will look at the appearance of the sport of bullfighting in early modern Spain in order to understand how this cultural artifact developed from its earliest inception. As we will be in Spain this summer, we will have unique access to archives that are not available to us otherwise.
Considering Contemporary Performance of Early Modern Drama Research Assistant
This project will look at contemporary performances of early modern theatre in Spain to understand how the female point of view in sources from 400 years ago compares to contemporary feminist critiques. As we will already be in Spain, we will have the opportunity to see these performances live and meet with the artists involved in the productions.
Female Friendship in Early Modern Spain Research Assistant
This project will analyze female friendship in early modern Spain and how women viewed convents as an escape from violence/spaces of intellectual freedom. It will then convey why creating community between women is of utmost importance, and focus on representations of this community in literature of the period such as María de Zayas's Desengaños amorosos.
Level UP Legal Implications in Early Modern Spanish Theatre
The student will be considering how legal workarounds were portrayed by characters on the early modern Spanish stage and what implications that would have for audiences at the time.
MacEwan Level UP Empeños Intern
Student will be promoting and assisting with a theatrical production
MacEwan Level UP Empeños Intern
Student will be promoting and assisting with a theatrical production
Level Up - Editorial Assistant
Positions Available: 1 We expect the student to produce a clean transcript from a public recording of a keynote address provided to the 2022 meeting of the Association for Philosophy and Literature. Though the transcript need not be verbatim (some additions and alterations may be required as a matter of clarity) but it must be faithful to the talk and receive author approval. This text will serve as the opening chapter for the upcoming edited volume of Textures, a book series published by Rowman and Littlefield.
Level Up - Assistant Producer Podcast
The student will be asked to help produce, edit, and post episodes of the podcast Philosophy in Film. The applicant will also be asked to help with audience outreach including contributing to the social media presence of this podcast. At the end of the project we hope to have produced anywhere between 10-15 episodes with exceptional sound quality.
Level Up - Assistant Producer Podcast
The student will be asked to help produce, edit, and post episodes of the podcast Philosophy in Film. The applicant will also be asked to help with audience outreach including contributing to the social media presence of this podcast. At the end of the project we hope to have produced anywhere between 10-15 episodes with exceptional sound quality.
Level Up - Assistant Producer Podcast
The student will be asked to help produce, edit, and post episodes of the podcast Philosophy in Film. The applicant will also be asked to help with audience outreach including contributing to the social media presence of this podcast. At the end of the project we hope to have produced anywhere between 10-15 episodes with exceptional sound quality.
Level Up: Assistant Producer Podcast
The student will be asked to help produce, edit, and post episodes of the podcast Philosophy in Film. The applicant will also be asked to help with audience outreach including contributing to the social media presence of this podcast. At the end of the project we hope to have produced anywhere between 5-10 episodes with exceptional sound quality.
Web Designer and Social Media Guru
The student will in charge of designing a web page for the International Society for Philosophy in Film. The website will be used to provide announcements and information to membership as well as to advance the mission of this academic society. The student will also be asked to facilitate outreach with its membership and prospective members through a variety of social media platforms. By the end of the project we hope to have a fully functioning and interactive website that supports ISPIF's efforts to organize events and connect with other scholars working in this field.
Level Up - Editorial Assistant
Positions Available: 1 We expect the student to produce a clean transcript from a public recording of a keynote address provided to the 2022 meeting of the Association for Philosophy and Literature. Though the transcript need not be verbatim (some additions and alterations may be required as a matter of clarity) but it must be faithful to the talk and receive author approval. This text will serve as the opening chapter for the upcoming edited volume of Textures, a book series published by Rowman and Littlefield.
Level UP: database creation and file metadata tagging (Part 2 of 2)
Project Scope Positions available: 4 Part 1 of this project involves the creation of text readable documents. Building on these enhanced documents, Part 2 of the project involves the creation of a document database and tagging documents with relevant metadata identifiers. Historical knowledge of the 20th century is an asset. A keen attention to detail is required. Research assistants will report to the Chair of the Humanities Department, Dr. M. Carroll.
Level UP: file digitization (Part 1 of 2)
Project Scope Positions available: 4 Working with historical documents from numerous international archives, research assistants are required to transform .jpeg files into text readable .pdf files. Documents will in some cases need to be sorted and files combined. A keen attention to detail is required. Research assistants will report to the Chair of the Humanities Department, Dr. M. Carroll.