Database of Research at MacEwan-Phase 2
In order to grow the research enterprise of MacEwan University, it is important to build an ecosystem that supports the development of research programs through research grant funding. A major challenge is to connect researchers with appropriate funding opportunities and build synergy with collaborators. Currently there is no central database for researcher interests and expertise and this information is drawn from several sources including professional websites, social media, and the MacEwan expert guide on an ad hoc basis. The goal for this project is to review the research landscape from various sources including those listed here and capture the information in a searchable database. Phase 1, now completed, collected and collated data. Phase 2 will focus on testing , validating and revising the databank based on end user feedback.
Level UP: Zebrafish Enrichment
Positions available: 1 . We have recently started up a new facility to house zebrafish on campus for teaching and research! The tanks sit on plain black runners, the main goal of the project is to apply gravel printed backing to each of the runners so the fish can enjoy a sense of a gravel substrate.
Database of Research at MacEwan
In order to grow the research enterprise of MacEwan University, it is important to build an ecosystem that supports the development of research programs through research grant funding. A major challenge is to connect researchers with appropriate funding opportunities and build synergy with collaborators. Currently there is no central database for researcher interests and expertise and this information is drawn from several sources including professional websites, social media, and the MacEwan expert guide on an ad hoc basis. The goal for this project is to review the research landscape from various sources including those listed here and capture the information in a searchable database.