Feedback details
Team feedback
Thank you to the student team of Bipin, Ishan, Melony, Paul, Varandeep, Yogesh and Zahida for the excellent report and presentation and their instructor Renata for organizing this cross-functional team.
As a volunteer run organization, our most valuable resources are time and people. The students did an incredible job researching and analyzing all vendor options for CCHA merchandising, culminating in a well executed presentation. We appreciate all the hard work of the students, their efforts have eliminated months of work for our board and have moved us leaps and bounds forward in our mission to support Canadian living with Congenital Heart Disease.
Ethical standards and conduct
Congenital heart defects
Sales prospecting
Direct-to-consumer (dtc)
Social media
Zoom (video conferencing tool)
- Author
She / HerPresident
- Experience
- Supply Chain Management Marketing and Business Planning
- Project
- Merchandise Sourcing
- Created At
- April 22, 2021
Ethical standards and conduct
Congenital heart defects
Sales prospecting
Direct-to-consumer (dtc)
Social media
Zoom (video conferencing tool)