Affordable Housing Apartment Development Pro Forma - Level UP

Project scope
violin life-cycle cost analysisAvailable positions: 1 student.
The non-profit affordable housing developer, Green Violin, is proposing a Mass Timber, Modular, Energy Efficient 26-unit apartment building in Edmonton and needs a pro forma and Life Cycle Costing template to be created. The pro forma will be used to test various combinations of apartment rental rates and energy efficient systems that may cost more in the upfront capital cost, but can be proven to cost less over the long term, especially if the energy utility costs can be shown to be less over the life of the building. This template will then be used in the design of the building to make up front decisions on the energy systems and to be part of the funding package to justify further project financing.
This project will be followed by three separate follow up projects that will utilize this template proforma for each of three different cost estimates coming from various construction industry companies for Green Violin's Parkdale Place Project.
The student will have daily supervision over the 14-day period and will work closely with me on the project so there will be an opportunity to be in constant contact as if we are virtually working in the same office. I can offer as much mentorship as the student can handle on a daily basis, regardless of the time of day. This project is important and communication is vital to the project's success.
About the company
As Urbanists our mission is to improve the well-being of our neighborhoods by building innovative spaces where SUSTAINABLE HOUSING and community come together. We are all about Inclusivity, Earth Friendly Design, and Social Connectedness.