Market Research - Fundraising Sources in West Edmonton

Project scope
Communications Market research Marketing strategySkills
fund development market research surveying business to business research fundraisingWe are looking at diversifying our fund development sources. We need to find more ways to develop funds for our charitable non-profit. As part of this process, we need to analyze and evaluate the associated risks with a variety of fundraising efforts. This project would include market research and business-to-business research in attempts to identify key opportunities for Kids On Track. Surveying of various local businesses would be useful for understanding brand recognition, willingness to donate, willingness to sponsor, etc. Various fundraising activities they could evaluate are city-wide trivia nights with local restaurants or bars, gala-format evening events, online engage events, seasonal events and the role of business, and others. How does a small non-profit stand out in a market where there are big players like the Stollery, for example.
Students will have ready access to the Executive Director, a MacEwan University School of Business grad. There will be ample opportunity to have conversations regarding the project and details surrounding the organization. As Kids On Track is a small non-profit, they will have great access to an alternative side of business. From a mentorship perspective, the organization has great networks in the Edmonton community and with other partners in the community. We are big believers in young people and their leadership abilities - we want to encourage them to step out and try new things!
About the company
Kids On Track is a community-building organization that provides hope, direction, and ongoing support for children, youth, and their parents.
Educational, social, spiritual, and recreational elements are combined to deliver well-rounded programs. We cultivate relationships, encouraging participants in faith, character and leadership development, social skills, and a healthy lifestyle. We strive to support families experiencing limited opportunities due to various socioeconomic challenges.
Since 1992, we have expanded our programs to respond to changing needs in the community and new opportunities to help at-risk kids and their families. We currently have more than 1,000 participants actively engaged in our programs. Our volunteer base has grown to a team of more than 314 volunteers who collectively contributed 4,469 service hours in our last fiscal year (Sept. 1, 2018 – Aug. 31, 2019).