Kamila Marchwica
Learner -
Practice PPE Exams
Practice PPE Exams
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Customer Experience (CX) Journey Design for Practice PPE Exams Education Courses

The main goal for the project is to create a seamless and user-friendly customer experience journey for aspiring engineers who are purchasing and using Practice PPE Exams education courses. This includes understanding the needs and pain points of the customers, and designing a journey that enhances their confidence and streamlines the licensing process. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: - Conducting interviews or surveys with aspiring engineers to understand their current experience and pain points in purchasing and using education courses. - Analyzing the existing customer journey and identifying areas for improvement. - Designing a new customer experience journey that simplifies the purchase process and provides ongoing support for the use of education courses. - Collaborating with the Practice PPE Exams team to ensure the new CX journey aligns with their goals and values. - Testing the new CX journey with a sample group of aspiring engineers and gathering feedback for further improvements.

Matches 1
Category Marketing strategy + 4
I Challenge Diabetes
I Challenge Diabetes
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Games Guide Redesign Project

The main goal for the project is to redesign and format the games guide in camp as a printable booklet in Canva. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including: - Reviewing the existing games guide and identifying areas for improvement. - Researching and learning how to use Canva to create a printable booklet. - Collaborating with camp staff to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to the design. - Creating a visually appealing and user-friendly layout for the games guide. - Ensuring that the content is organized and easy to understand in the printable format. These are the thee games guides: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEhZORjc60/vwqSSoy7IrZYFiwBRxniPA/view?utm_content=DAEhZORjc60&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor https://www.canva.com/design/DAEeGs3R3ZY/EHS_-QHV7xGEfrENrpt77w/view?utm_content=DAEeGs3R3ZY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQzzPtlPXK31TbTLziKqKj8GmWZ6U-oo5S_lZQEofEmRWU7nchFPdQIzwgAEoMpWMpjY8ds_AnbgZPQ/pub

Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides