Virtual Internship Opportunity: Business Administration
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for (1 | 2 | 3) students or teams. The primary focus for the student will be: Operations - Capture (document) current processes performed by our inventory manager, recommend process improvements or redesign processes; develop improvements to supply chain processes to be more responsive to changes in demand; introduce quality assurance into our internal processes; recommend best practices for inventory management Other duties the student may complete could include : (indicate other duties as exemplified below) Conduct research and data analysis. Create presentation decks and assist with presentations to key stakeholders. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS Student's primary contact : Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director Secondary contact: Jeff Johannes, Inventory Manager
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Human Resources
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 or 2 students Project Scope We would like to have job descriptions for the employees that do not have them, as well as a comprehensive on-boarding process for each department, or each categorization of work. To assist us in this goal, we would like to ask students to interview employees, perform a job analysis, establish essential functions, standardize all employee job descriptions and analysis as to equity as time permits. At a minimum we would like a design based on our provided objectives and include templates, processes, strategy, and implementation guidelines. We would also appreciate insight on recommended training and development areas. As well in Colorado, new state regulations will be coming into place for 2021 and we'd like to have a proactive plan in place to make sure we implement in a timely and correct fashion. Areas of particular interest to us include: New employee training New product training We expect students will need to do the following: Research best practices Interview high-performing personnel Define and document systems in our organization. Make recommendations to improve on current practices. The primary focus for the student will be: defining, implementing and preparing documents for best practices for assembly of products Our goal at the end of this experience is: standardize, document and benchmark at least a few of the assmbly processes Other duties the student may complete could include : advising on other areas of development if they come across them We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS video/phone chat, email. We will have to set up a monitor on the assembly line so the student can visualize the assembly and document it, and request pictures/video as necessary. Student's primary contact : (Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director, main liaison)
Punch up our strategic marketing plan
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1-3 students or teams. The primary focus for the student will be: Recommending positive changes to our marketing strategy Our goal at the end of this experience is: Improving our marketing strategy: improving brand awareness, capturing attention more effectively Other duties the student may complete could include : map for social media; revamping our marketing material; prepare journey map for customers We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS, email Student's primary contact : Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director Secondary contact: Austin Corell, Marketing Associate
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Human Resources
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 or 2 students Project Scope We would like to have job descriptions for the employees that do not have them, as well as a comprehensive on-boarding process for each department, or each categorization of work. To assist us in this goal, we would like to ask students to interview employees, perform a job analysis, establish essential functions, standardize all employee job descriptions and analysis as to equity as time permits. At a minimum we would like a design based on our provided objectives and include templates, processes, strategy, and implementation guidelines. We would also appreciate insight on recommended training and development areas. As well in Colorado, new state regulations will be coming into place for 2021 and we'd like to have a proactive plan in place to make sure we implement in a timely and correct fashion. Areas of particular interest to us include: New employee training New product training We expect students will need to do the following: Research best practices Interview high-performing personnel Define and document systems in our organization. Make recommendations to improve on current practices. The primary focus for the student will be: defining, implementing and preparing documents for best practices for assembly of products Our goal at the end of this experience is: standardize, document and benchmark at least a few of the assmbly processes Other duties the student may complete could include : advising on other areas of development if they come across them We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS video/phone chat, email. We will have to set up a monitor on the assembly line so the student can visualize the assembly and document it, and request pictures/video as necessary. Student's primary contact : (Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director, main liaison)
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Ergonomic risk assessment and report
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for up to 1 student or a team of 2 students. The primary focus for the student will be: We have an office section as well as a production/assembly section in our company. Our office workers could benefit from an assessment of their office set up, and some recommendations. Our production/assembly section works mainly on their feet, in one area, assembly small and large components into large and small equipment. They are at risk from repetitive stress injury as well as mechanical injury. Students should be prepared to: Complete an analysis on multiple work situtations Present remedies, make recommendations Lead a virtual coaching session for the two different types of workers Our goal at the end of this experience is: Healthy workers, pain free Other duties the student may complete could include : You may suggest We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: email, TEAMS, Student's primary contact : Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director Secondary contact: Austin Corell, Marketing Associate
Virtual Internship Opportunity: SEO Strategy and Recommendations
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for up to 2 students. The primary focus for the student will be: We want to be found on the first page of Google. We know that we need to implement SEO, but we’re not sure where to start. We would like to collaborate with students to understand what we need to do to generate more traffic and revenue through search engines. Students should be prepared to: Complete an SEO analysis on our website Conduct competitive keyword research Update our website with the best structure and elements for SEO. Develop an on-page and off-page SEO plan. Identify key metrics to track for success. Write content for the website Our goal at the end of this experience is: We want to be found on the first page of Google. Other duties the student may complete could include : Social media content and advice; Additional: if motivated could build a new website on free platforms such as Wordpress (but not limited to Wordpress) We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: email, TEAMS, Student's primary contact : Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director Secondary contact: Austin Corell, Marketing Associate
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Marketing
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 student or a team of up to 3 students. The primary focus for the student will be: an examination and refreshing of our marketing materials. The student(s) can choose the media that interests him or her most, or can tackle as much as the internship program hours allows for. Our project is to refresh our print flyers, brochures, manuals and product SOPs, as well as to produce product videos (scripted and non-scripted), write content for our website, SEO, and start up our social media presence. Researching themes/advising/Designing/building a new website is also a possibility. Our goal at the end of this experience is: have some or all products as listed above. Other duties the student may complete could include : other marketing ideas can be discussed. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS, email Student's primary contact : Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director Secondary contact: Austin Corell, Marketing Associate
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Marketing
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 student or a team of up to 3 students. The primary focus for the student will be: an examination and refreshing of our marketing materials. The student(s) can choose the media that interests him or her most, or can tackle as much as the internship program hours allows for. Our project is to refresh our print flyers, brochures, manuals and product SOPs, as well as to produce product videos (scripted and non-scripted), write content for our website, SEO, and start up our social media presence. Researching themes/advising/Designing/building a new website is also a possibility. Our goal at the end of this experience is: have some or all products as listed above. Other duties the student may complete could include : other marketing ideas can be discussed. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS, email Student's primary contact : Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director Secondary contact: Austin Corell, Marketing Associate
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Human Resources
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 or 2 students Project Scope We would like to have job descriptions for the employees that do not have them, as well as a comprehensive on-boarding process for each department, or each categorization of work. To assist us in this goal, we would like to ask students to interview employees, perform a job analysis, establish essential functions, standardize all employee job descriptions and analysis as to equity as time permits. At a minimum we would like a design based on our provided objectives and include templates, processes, strategy, and implementation guidelines. We would also appreciate insight on recommended training and development areas. As well in Colorado, new state regulations will be coming into place for 2021 and we'd like to have a proactive plan in place to make sure we implement in a timely and correct fashion. Areas of particular interest to us include: New employee training New product training We expect students will need to do the following: Research best practices Interview high-performing personnel Define and document systems in our organization. Make recommendations to improve on current practices. The primary focus for the student will be: defining, implementing and preparing documents for best practices for assembly of products Our goal at the end of this experience is: standardize, document and benchmark at least a few of the assmbly processes Other duties the student may complete could include : advising on other areas of development if they come across them We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS video/phone chat, email. We will have to set up a monitor on the assembly line so the student can visualize the assembly and document it, and request pictures/video as necessary. Student's primary contact : (Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director, main liaison)
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Human Resources
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for 1 or 2 students Project Scope We would like to have job descriptions for the employees that do not have them, as well as a comprehensive on-boarding process for each department, or each categorization of work. To assist us in this goal, we would like to ask students to interview employees, perform a job analysis, establish essential functions, standardize all employee job descriptions and analysis as to equity as time permits. At a minimum we would like a design based on our provided objectives and include templates, processes, strategy, and implementation guidelines. We would also appreciate insight on recommended training and development areas. As well in Colorado, new state regulations will be coming into place for 2021 and we'd like to have a proactive plan in place to make sure we implement in a timely and correct fashion. Areas of particular interest to us include: New employee training New product training We expect students will need to do the following: Research best practices Interview high-performing personnel Define and document systems in our organization. Make recommendations to improve on current practices. The primary focus for the student will be: defining, implementing and preparing documents for best practices for assembly of products Our goal at the end of this experience is: standardize, document and benchmark at least a few of the assmbly processes Other duties the student may complete could include : advising on other areas of development if they come across them We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: TEAMS video/phone chat, email. We will have to set up a monitor on the assembly line so the student can visualize the assembly and document it, and request pictures/video as necessary. Student's primary contact : (Teresa McKernan, Marketing Director, main liaison)