Assisting Research for a Project Developing Inclusive Gender Based Violence Prevention Education
The student will engage with the Principal Investigator on a project to reduce gender-based violence, particularly for 2SLGBTQ+, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC), and disabled youth, through educational initiatives. The project examines and develops both sexuality education and gender-based violence prevention as the foremost methods of preventing gender-based violence.

Queer Joy Project Research Assistants for Data Analysis and Knowledge Dissemination (Phase 3)
The student on this project will be part of the The Queer Joy project's exploration of what queer and trans epistemologies about consent and queer joy offer the project to end gender-based violence. This contract is for the first part of the project which will involve engagement in data collection and analysis processes and which may include: helping recruit participants, supporting the process of onboarding participants, assisting with the facilitation of data collection, and analyzing data. The goal of the project is to draw upon queer and trans epistemologies to develop more effective gender-based violence prevention education--and specifically consent education--for all youth.

Queer Joy Project Research Assistants for Data Collection and Analysis (Phase 2)
The student on this project will be part of the The Queer Joy project's exploration of what queer and trans epistemologies about consent and queer joy offer the project to end gender-based violence. This contract is for the first part of the project which will involve engagement in data collection and analysis processes and which may include: helping recruit participants, supporting the process of onboarding participants, assisting with the facilitation of data collection, and analyzing data. The goal of the project is to draw upon queer and trans epistemologies to develop more effective gender-based violence prevention education--and specifically consent education--for all youth.

Transcriptions for Gender-based Violence Project
The main goal of this project is to transcribe one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and two workshops from a project investigating gender-based violence prevention education.

Transcriptions for Gender-based Violence Project
The main goal of this project is to transcribe one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and two workshops from a project investigating gender-based violence prevention education.

Literature Review of Arts-based Research Methods
The goal of this project is to produce a literature review on visual participatory arts-based methodology. The review will encompass best practices and the most important theoretical orientations for visual participatory arts-based research with youth broadly speaking. Additionally, the review should include comprehensive detail on cellphilming and research with 2SLGBTQ+ youth in particular. The project will include submitting an annotated bibliography of the most central texts identified in the review, a report (the literature review itself at a maximum of 20 pages double-spaced), and a practical guide for research assistants to use when supporting cellphilming workshops.

Queer Joy Project Research Assistants for Data Collection and Analysis
The student on this project will be part of the The Queer Joy project's exploration of what queer and trans epistemologies about consent and queer joy offer the project to end gender-based violence. This contract is for the first part of the project which will involve engagement in data collection and analysis processes and which may include: helping recruit participants, supporting the process of onboarding participants, assisting with the facilitation of data collection, and analyzing data. The goal of the project is to draw upon queer and trans epistemologies to develop more effective gender-based violence prevention education--and specifically consent education--for all youth.

Graphic Designer Needed for Research on Gender-based Violence
For this project the student will be creating social media materials and infographics for research on gender-based violence. The work will also involve developing an existing project website. Familiarity with Wordpress and Google Sites is required. The projects the student will be creating media materials for focus on gendered violence in two ways. They firstly investigate feminist methodology and pedagogy related to gender-based violence in order to build understanding about how to best prevent and respond to this violence. A second and larger part of the research aims to address gender-based violence against 2SLGBTQI+ people. This research examines how centering queer joy in conversation about gendered violence disrupts the cultural norms such as homophobia, transphobia, racism, and ableism which lead to gendered violence. The student will be comfortable and enthusiastic about creating materials for research on gendered violence and 2SLGBTQ+ communities.

Transcription for Project- Duo-ethnographic Enquiry on Consent as Pedagogy
The student will be responsible for transcribing two multi-hour interview recordings from a project titled "Consent as pedagogy: A duoethnographic dream-mapping inquiry into the (im)possibilities of consent in K-20 schools." The student will also be responsible for drafting an article based on the transcripts. The project is a duoethnographic (Sawyer & Norris, 2012) dream-mapping project (Cavanaugh, 2022), where two educator-researchers reflect on how consent was absent in theory K-20 experiences and restory (Coleman, 2020; Thomas & Stornaiuolo, 2016) consent as a pedagogical framework. Through dialoguing and creating dream-maps, they imagine consent as an anticolonial, antiracist, queer/trans, femme-inist, crip, and mad logic. The findings of this project will contribute to education research aiming to develop anti-violent, trauma-informed K-20 schools.

2: Literature Review of Gender-based Violence Against Trans & Non-binary People
This contract ($450) involves working with another student who is the student team lead to undertake a literature review and produce a report on the findings. Students will be reviewing and synthesizing literature on gender-based violence against and among trans and non-binary people (approximately aged 14 to 35) as part of a larger project researching educational solutions to prevent gender-based violence. The larger project is exploring how trans and non-binary people are often excluded from research on gender-based violence due to the underlying cis-heteronormativity in how gender-based violence is imagined. As such, the ways that trans and non-binary people encounter rape myths are not accounted for in the literature, and this constitutes a major gap since rape myths are the central force behind rape culture. We need to understand how trans and non-binary people encounter rape-supportive attitudes to better know how to prevent and respond to survivors who are trans and non-binary.

Literature Review: Trauma-informed Pedagogy Related to Gender-based Violence
The student's goal on this project is to produce a literature review on trauma-informed pedagogy related to the topic of gender-based violence. The literature review will contribute to a broader project that is investigating how contemporary conversations about sexual violence post-#MeToo have seeped into classroom conversation at post-secondary institutions (both in courses that are directly on the topic on sexual violence and those that are not) and require educators to be able to navigate these conversations in trauma-informed ways. There is a gap in the literature pertaining to best practices for effectively engaging in challenging classroom dialogue about gender-based violence using a trauma-informed approach, and this project will contribute to theory and praxis related to addressing these challenges.

Literature Review: Methods for Trauma-informed Research on Gender-based Violence
The main goal of this project is for the student to undertake a literature review and produce a report of literature on trauma-informed methodology. The work will contribute to a project titled "Insights About Trauma-Informed Methodology From Gender-based Violence Researchers who Identify as Survivors." The literature review will contribute to a larger project investigating theory and praxis for trauma-informed methodology that reflects the experiences and needs of survivors of gender-based violence--including researchers. The work will contribute to a gap in the literature pertaining to trauma-informed practices for research, including but not limited to research ethics practices, research design, safety during data collection/interviewing for all involved, data analysis/confidentiality, and sensitivity related to knowledge mobilization.

Literature Review of Research on Consent Education and Queer and Trans Joy
The main goal of this project is to complete a literature review and a report of findings. The literature review should be comprised of research on sexual consent education in the Western (primarily North American) context to contribute to a larger project aiming to improve gender-based prevention education related to consent. The literature review should focus on qualitative research on consent education programming that is embedded in sexuality education and in stand-along programming. The final report will synthesize the central research on consent education, and identify trends, best practices, and gaps in the research. The literature review will also involve the concept of queer and trans joy, as it is central to emerging research discussing the effectiveness of gender-based violence prevention education. The literature review will involve summarizing research on the concept of queer and trans joy, particularly as it pertains to sexual joy.

Literature Review of Gender-based Violence Against Trans & Non-binary People
The main goal of this project is to undertake a literature review and produce a report on the findings. The student will be searching, reviewing, and synthesizing literature on gender-based violence against and among trans and non-binary people (approximately aged 14 to 35) as part of a larger project researching educational solutions to prevent gender-based violence. The larger project is exploring how trans and non-binary people are often excluded from research on gender-based violence due to the underlying cis-heteronormativity in how gender-based violence is imagined. As such, the ways that trans and non-binary people encounter rape myths are not accounted for in the literature, and this constitutes a major gap since rape myths are the central force behind rape culture. We need to understand how trans and non-binary people encounter rape-supportive attitudes to better know how to prevent and respond to survivors who are trans and non-binary.