Sandy Jung
Sandy Jung
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Dr. Sandy Jung is a full Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Associate Dean, Research, at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada. She maintains an active research program in her Psychology Crime Lab (PCL@M) that focuses on the prevention of sexual assault, child sexual exploitation, and intimate partner violence. She has numerous peer-reviewed publications in the field of forensic psychology. Prior to her current academic position, she was a forensic psychologist at a forensic mental health facility where she provided assessment, treatment, and risk management of violent and sexual offenders. She serves as an editorial board member for 3 journals (Sexual Abuse, Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention, and Canadian Psychology), as past-chair of the Criminal Justice Psychology Section in the Canadian Psychological Association, and as an Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Alberta.

Data analysis Social sciences



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Recent projects

MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

CSVR Project Research Assistants

I have positions available for up to 4 students for 80 hours each to develop and implement an online experiment in the Psychology Crime Lab @ MacEwan (PCL@M) supervised by Dr. Sandy Jung. The students on this team would learn how to conduct a literature review on risk factors related to campus sexual violence, develop stimuli and dependent variables for an online experiment, contribute to completing an ethics application, and build the online experiment through a survey platform (i.e., Qualtrics). The goal of this research project is to engage undergraduate students in the development of an experiment that examines student perceptions of perpetrators who have committed campus sexual violence. The goal of this project for a student research assistant is to learn how to develop experiments to examine an empirical research question in the social sciences.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 3
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP: CSVR Project Research Assistant, Stage 3 (Jan-Feb 2023)

I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to develop research dissemination plans and execute these plans in both written and presentation forms for a series of projects that examine risk assessment and perceived risk factors for perpetration of campus sexual violence. The student would learn how to contribute to manuscripts related to gender based violence and campus sexual violence (literature review, methodology, statistical analyses and results, and discussion), and develop and prepare academic presentations in various formats. Some duties may include conducting data cleaning and organizing and carrying out statistical data analyses. The student would learn (1) how to write APA-formatted empirical manuscripts, and (2) how to build effective research presentations. The goal of this research project is to engage undergraduate students in the knowledge mobilization of empirical research that examines perceptions of campus sexual violence risk factors.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 2
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP: CSVR Project Research Assistant, Stage 2 (Nov-Dec 2022)

I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to implement and oversee an experiment, write components of a research experiment (e.g., method, results), conduct data cleaning and organizing, and carry out statistical data analyses for a project that examines perceived risk factors for perpetration of campus sexual violence. The student would learn how to write an APA-formatted literature review on risk factors related to gender based violence and campus sexual violence, experimental method section, and statistical data analyses results section. The student would also learn (1) how to extract data from a survey platform (i.e., Qualtrics), and (2) how to engage in data cleaning, organizing, and analyses, using SPSS. The goal of this research project is to engage undergraduate students in the development of an experiment that would examine student perceptions of campus sexual violence risk factors.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 2
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
MacEwan University: Department of Psychology
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Level UP: CSVR Project Research Assistant, Stage 1 (Sep-Oct 2022)

I have a position available for 1 student for 80 hours to develop a literature review, ethics application, and an online experiment to examine perceived risk factors for perpetration of campus sexual violence. The student would learn how to conduct a literature review on risk factors related to gender based violence and campus sexual violence, develop stimuli for an online experiment, contribute to completing an ethics application, and build the online experiment through a survey platform (i.e., Qualtrics). The goal of this research project is to engage undergraduate students in the development of an experiment that would examine student perceptions of campus sexual violence risk factors. The goal of this project for a student research assistant is to learn how to develop experiments to examine an empirical research question in the social sciences.

Matches 1
Category Social sciences + 2