Victoria Fraser
Instructor -
Dr. Darryl Gebien MD (U.Queensland), MSc (McGill)
Founder and President of Outdoor Floors and
January 3, 2022
Experience feedback
Great learning experience being teamed up with a crew of young minds from Mount Allison University. Although I run an online business, I lack a business education so it was great to learn how things are broken down and taught and analyzed from a proper perspective. Very happy with the professor and students. Thank you!
Fall 2021 Strategic Management Decisions
Maple League of Universities
Business Development & Marketing Strategies for Growth
Outdoor Floors
Natalie Durdle
December 22, 2021
Experience feedback
No feedback possible. Project was cancelled by the instructor.
Fall 2021 Strategic Management Decisions
Maple League of Universities
Tax Assessment: RRSP Zero Coupon Bonds for Film Investment