Translation of Resource Guide
Translate the Resource Guide for Older Adults at Risk of Going Missing into Traditional Chinese and correct existing Simplified Chinese document.
Dementia Network Calgary Website Update
Update website and content creation
Vulnerable Person Registries in Canada: Literature Review
Literature review of vulnerable person registries in Canada.
Vulnerable Person Registries in Canada: Qualitiative Research
We want to better understand how jurisdictions in Canada are using Vulnerable Person Registries. The research will include: Who manages the information? How is the project funded? What types of event trigger release of information and who does the information go to? Privacy/legislative issues? Maintenance and Registration Challenges and Recommendations
Online Research: Best Practices around Dementia-Inclusivity: Part 1
We want to better understand how other jurisdictions are successfully integrating people living with dementia and their care partners into community. The research will include best practices around the world for: dementia inclusivity training for business public education and engagement to support people impacted by dementia in community stigma reduction and improved awareness about dementia improving access to services for people impacted by dementia landscape/park design elements for a dementia-inclusive park educational programs for K-12 and post-secondary students around dementia