Carly Dearlow
Communications Market research Sales strategy Marketing strategy


Business to business 2 Marketing 2 Marketing strategies 2 Algorithms 1 Blog posts 1 Business process 1 Business-to-consumer 1 Communication 1 Customer engagement 1 Filing 1 Go-to-market strategy 1 Integrated marketing communications 1 Key performance indicators (kpis) 1 Managed services 1 Market penetration 1 Off-page optimization (seo) 1 Organizational architecture 1 Press releases 1 Raci matrix 1 Sales 1 Sales prospecting 1 Search engine optimization 1 Social engineering 1 Social media marketing 1 Strategic communication 1 Target market 1


Latest feedback

Ayo Aiyeleye
Co-CEO, Strategy & Operations
April 16, 2021
Team feedback
We had a great experience working with Team Sprint Marketing. Every member of the team exhibited a strong commitment to the project and delivered a high quality report with great recommendations. Thanks to Carly, Heather, Lauren and Matthew! From the Clavis Team.
Marketing strategies Communication Press releases Sales prospecting Blog posts Integrated marketing communications Market penetration Business to business Social media marketing Business-to-consumer
MacEwan University
Strategic Marketing - CC02
MacEwan University
Clavis Studio
Strategic Marketing
Clavis Studio
Todd Carson
Business Operations
April 16, 2021
Team feedback
It was a pleasure to meet with Ace Consulting! The team was professional to work with and responsive in our interactions. They demonstrated the ability to research solutions to a range of problems and to clearly articulate their findings.
Customer engagement Business process Strategic communication Marketing Key performance indicators (kpis) Raci matrix Go-to-market strategy Organizational architecture Business to business Filing
MacEwan University
Business Consulting Project
MacEwan University
Dementia Association for Awareness and Support
DAAS - MacEwan Custom Business Consulting
Dementia Association for Awareness and Support
Heather Barnhouse
April 10, 2021
Team feedback
I thought the team produced a decent report, that was well written. Overall, feedback for the course is that while it seems helpful for the school to have “real world” problems for students to work on, the “responses” were not overly helpful for the company. I think this could have been solved by having more check ins with the team and companies. While I am mindful of not wanting to add more work for the students (or companies), I think a lot of feedback could have been provided early on that would have led to a more useful outcome. For example, in our case, one of the top 3 recommendations was seeking charitable status. We already have it. That information could have been easily gleaned had we known they were spending time researching that. At the end of the day, our question was “how to best form partnerships”, and the answer was “form partnerships”, which doesn’t help us move forward in a productive way. This isn’t entirely the students’ fault, but more a flaw in the program design. While the students’ answers might be accurate for other companies, 2 out of 3 suggestions that they recommended were not applicable, and the third wasn’t fleshed out in enough detail to be applicable in real life, so the problem was strictly academic. For a school’s purpose of completing assignments, this is appropriate, and good for the school to have real life problems to work on; however the same is not true for the companies.
Customer engagement Business process Strategic communication Marketing Key performance indicators (kpis) Raci matrix Go-to-market strategy Organizational architecture Business to business Filing
MacEwan University
Business Consulting Project
MacEwan University
Dementia Association for Awareness and Support
DAAS - MacEwan Custom Business Consulting
Dementia Association for Awareness and Support

Recent projects

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Sales and Marketing Strategy

We have recently created a 2FA app (Paxis) for companies like ourselves (Managed Service Providers) to use to increase their security. We felt this is an essential product since MSP’s are a big target of hackers and social engineering is on the rise and currently there really isn’t anything like this to protect us. We would like assistance in creating a sales/marketing strategy for Paxis. This app doesn’t have a lot of competition, there is a defined client base and we are looking to market North-America wide.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 3
WeatherSolve Structures
WeatherSolve Structures
Langley, British Columbia, Canada

SEO Strategy

We would love to be found on the first page and in the top three. We are a worldwide organization with a few target markets. We have minimal understanding of SEO but understand the importance as well as the forever changing algorithms. We would like to collaborate with students to understand what we need to do to generate more traffic and revenue through search engines Students should be prepared to: Complete an SEO analysis on our website Conduct competitive keyword research Update our website with the best structure and elements for SEO. Develop an on-page and off-page SEO plan. Identify key metrics to track for success. Resources Any existing materials we can provide to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration

Matches 3
Category Marketing - general + 3
Clavis Studio
Clavis Studio
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Strategic Marketing

It’s important for us to have a well-defined marketing strategy, one that optimizes our competitive advantage and results in desired conversions. This project will include the following tasks: Strategic Social Media Marketing - Conduct an audit of our current social media presence and/or other current communication channel(s); develop and implement strategies for improving our online presence and increasing engagement; create a content calendar; create useable social media and blog posts; and expand social media assets. Marketing Communications - Recommend changes to advertising and PR materials, including social media engagements and create an integrated marketing campaign. Public Relations - Develop and implement a PR strategy; create collateral, including press releases, user testimonials, case studies, and customer stories. Prospecting Strategy - Evaluate our current customer base and make recommendations for further market penetration for our B2C and B2B offerings; assess our current outreach process and develop and implement targeted prospecting; review our prospect messaging, make improvement recommendations, and create new outreach content. SEO Strategy & Recommendations - Develop and implement an SEO strategy; provide content suggestions and recommendations to increase search visibility; increase our inbound traffic; optimize the customer journey; and increase inbound leads. You'll be working with a fun and collaborative team at Clavis Studio. We will give you access to organizational assets you may need for this project and provide any other support necessary.

Matches 1
Category Marketing - general + 4
Dementia Association for Awareness and Support
Dementia Association for Awareness and Support
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

DAAS - MacEwan Custom Business Consulting

Project goal can be tailored to skillset of student team. Options include: 1) Define and prepare documentation for repeatable business process, eg, customer engagement/feedback process, platform feature consult/develop/test/deploy, go-to-market process for new services/features, etc. 2) Prepare strategy and implementation plan for capturing, filing, and accessing corporate resources/knowledge/tools. 3) Strategic communication and marketing, including possible tools and mediums, to reach strategic B2B customers or partners. 4) Support capturing, assessing, and monitoring organizational controls such as KPIs, roles/responsibilities/RACI, organizational design for strategic goals, etc.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 4