New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Business Capstone: Tulane MGMT 4900
MGMT 4900
Jan 24, 2021
May 5, 2021
In MGMT 4900, Business Capstone , students will pull together and integrate the knowledge, skills, and concepts acquired from the core classes and majors in the Bachelor of Science of Management degree. Students will examine the problem of making strategic business decisions from functional area perspectives and a total organizational perspective. The class will be organized into teams, and the highlight of the course for most of the teams will be a final BSM Case Competition involving select teams taking the capstone course. The course requirements include multiple team case analysis and presentations and directed learning assignments that involve experiential engagements, some with local companies. Students will also be graded on class attendance, participation in class discussion and critique sessions, the ETS exam, and their ability to work effectively and contribute to team assignments as team members.
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